
Cards (43)

  • What are information technologies?

    Systems of hardware and/or software that capture, process, exchange, store, and/or present information.
  • What are the basic periods of computing history?
    1. Pre-mechanical Age (3000 BC – 1450 AD)
    2. Mechanical Age (1450 – 1840)
    3. Electro-mechanical Age (1840 – 1940)
    4. Electronic Age (1940 – 1980)
    5. Information Age (1900 – 2000)
    6. Industrial Revolution (at present)
  • What is the time frame of the Pre-mechanical Age?
    3000 BC1450 AD
  • What is the time frame of the Mechanical Age?
  • What is the time frame of the Electro-mechanical Age?

  • What is the time frame of the Electronic Age?

  • What is the time frame of the Information Age?

  • What is the time frame of the Industrial Revolution?

    At present
  • How did humans communicate during the Pre-mechanical Age?

    Through speaking and simple drawings known as petroglyphs.
  • What are the two basic types of rock art from the Pre-mechanical Age?
    Petroglyphs and pictographs.
  • What did the Phoenicians create around 2000 BC?

    Symbols that expressed single syllables and consonants, the first true alphabet.
  • How did the Greek alphabet evolve from the Phoenician alphabet?

    The Greeks adopted the Phoenician alphabet and added vowels.
  • What is cuneiform?

    The first true written language and the first real information system.
  • What materials did the Sumerians and Egyptians use for writing?

    Sumerians used stylus and wet clay; Egyptians used papyrus plants.
  • What did the Chinese make paper from around 100 AD?

  • How did the Greeks contribute to bookmaking around 600 BC?

    They folded sheets of papyrus vertically to create leaves and bound them together.
  • What was the first calculator?
    The abacus.
  • What numbering system did the Hindus develop around 100-200 AD?

    A 9 digit numbering system.
  • What significant concept was developed in 875 AD?

    The concept of zero.
  • Who invented the first mechanical calculator that could work with six digits?
    Wilhelm Shickard.
  • What did Blaise Pascal invent in 1642?

    The Pascaline, which could solve addition and subtraction problems.
  • What did Gottfried Leibniz invent?

    The Stepped Reckoner, which could multiply 5-digit and 12-digit numbers.
  • What did Joseph-Marie Jacquard develop in 1801?

    The automatic loom controlled by punched cards.
  • Who developed the first mass-produced calculator?
    Charles Xavier Thomas de Colmar with the Arithmometer.
  • Who is known as the father of modern computers?
    Charles Babbage.
  • Who is considered the first computer programmer?
    Lady Ada Augusta Lovelace Byron.
  • What significant invention did Alessandro Volta create?

    The first electric battery known as the voltaic pile.
  • Who conceived the electromagnetic telegraph?
    Samuel F.B. Morse.
  • Who developed the first working telephone?
    Alexander Graham Bell.
  • Who discovered that electrical waves travel through space?
    Guglielmo Marconi.
  • What did George Boole develop?

    Binary algebra known as Boolean Algebra.
  • Who invented the comptometer?
    Dorr Felt.
  • Who is known as the father of information processing?
    Herman Hollerith.
  • What did Otto Shweiger invent in 1893?

    The first efficient four-function calculator called Millionaire.
  • What did Lee de Forest develop in 1906?

    Vacuum tubes, which provided electrically controlled switches.
  • Who built the first programmable computer called Z3?

    Konrad Zuse.
  • What did Howard Aiken develop in 1942?

    Mark I, the first stored program computer.
  • Who completed the first all-electronic computer called ABC?

    John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry.
  • What are the four main periods in the history of ICT?

    1. Pre-mechanical Period
    2. Mechanical Period
    3. Electromechanical Period
    4. Electronic Period
  • What is the significance of the Electromechanical and Electronic periods in ICT history?

    • They greatly affect our lives today.
    • They introduced significant advancements in communication and information processing.