media language terms

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  • CSP
    Close study product
  • What are the 4 different categories in ML
    industry, audience, language, representation
  • What is the term used to describe the angle of the camera in film production?
  • What is the term for the camera angle that is at the same level as the subject's eyes?
    Eye level
  • What is the name of the camera angle that is tilted to one side?
  • What is the term for a camera angle positioned below the subject?
  • What is the term for a camera angle positioned above the subject?
  • What is the term for a shot taken from behind a character's shoulder?
    Over the shoulder
  • What does the term 'mise en scène' refer to in film production?
    It refers to everything placed on stage to help the audience gain meaning.
  • What are the different shot sizes used in film production?
    • Close up
    • Medium
    • Long
    • Single
    • Two-shot
    • POV (Point of View)
  • What is the term for a camera movement that rotates 360 degrees around a subject?
  • What is the term for moving the camera closer to or further away from a subject?
    Zoom in/out
  • What is the term for moving the camera horizontally or vertically?
  • What is the term for moving the camera on a track or using a crane?
  • What does the term 'random' refer to in the context of camera motion?

    It refers to unpredictable or spontaneous camera movements.
  • What are the components of mise en scène in film production?
    • C: Costume
    • L: Lighting
    • A: Action/actors
    • M: Makeup/hair
    • P: Props
    • S: Setting
  • What does typography refer to in media?
    It refers to the font style and its reasoning.
  • What is denotation in the context of media analysis?
    It is the literal meaning of what you see.
  • What is connotation in media analysis?

    It is what is signified beyond the literal meaning.
  • What does syntagm refer to in media analysis?

    It refers to the layout and order of elements in a piece of media.
  • What does the term paradigm mean in media analysis?

    The pattern/genre throughout the analysis.
  • narratology- study of narratives
  • Linear- follows time
    non linear- does follow time/flashbacks
    single strand- one story
    multi-strand- more than one story
  • pluralism- lots of systems can exist
  • ideology- a system of ideas thats determines beliefs and values
  • hegemony- the exercise of power and control by one group over another
  • archetypes- character types