Nature vs nurture

Cards (10)

  • Start essay with this statement:
    The nature-nurture debate is concerned with the relative contribution that both influences make to human behaviour.
  • Nativists
    Basic assumption is that the characteristics of the human species as a whole are a product of evolution and that individual differences are due to each persons unique genetic code. Characteristics are not observable at birth but emerge later in life, regarded as the product of maturation. That is to say that we all have an inner "biological clock" which switches on types of behaviour in a pre-programmed way.
  • Empiricists
    At birth the human mind is a tabula rasa (blank state) which is gradually filled as a result of experience. characteristics and differences are as a result of learning. How you are brought up (nurture) governs psychologically significant aspects of child development and the concept of maturation only applies to biological.
  • Twin studies
    Rather than nature and nurture contradicting eachother, they interact to produce behaviour and it makes little sense to try separate them as in twin studies it is difficult to know whether the increased similarity between MZ twins is due to genes or the fact they have been raised in the same environment- or the civilization in which the child is reared.
  • The Diathesis-stress model of mental illness

    Emphasises the interaction of nature-nurture and tends to be most persuasive. Suggests psychopathology is caused by biological/genetic vulnerability (the diathesis) which is only expressed when coupled with a biological or environmental trigger (stressor).
  • Nature
    Someone who believes everything comes from nature is a nativist.
    In general, the earlier the behaviour appears=more influenced by genes. Biological approach, biological rhythms.
  • Nurture
    Someone who believes everything comes from nurture is a empiricist.
    At birth we are born a blank slate and behaviours are because of learning from when you were brought up. Concept of maturation only apply to biological. Behaviourism and attachment
  • Evaluation point 1
    Cannot separate the two- nurture plays a role as soon as a child's life begins- focus must be on the contribution of each behaviour.
    There may be universal characteristics that underpin infant and caregiver interactions i.e some elements of attachment are innate.
    Conclusions of meta analysis of Van Ijzendoorn & Kroonenberg shows cultural variations suggesting culture has an impact i.e some elements of attachment are learnt.
  • Issue of constructivism
    People create their own nurture by actively seeking environments that match their nature- this then develops the behaviour further- as a result it is impossible to separate nature from nurture. Therefore both nature and nurture have a role.
  • Interactionism is the best approach

    Argues that it is a "two-way street"- both nature and nurture have a role and most psychologists hold this position. Although studies may mainly point to either nature or nurture, none to an extent which excludes the other.
    e.g Maguire taxi study found a correlation between the amount of time spent as a taxi driver and the volume in the right of the hippocampus.