A03 - Plasticity & Functional Recovery

Cards (8)

  • Weakness - Plasticity & Functional recovery - Small Sample?
    P: Small samples
    E: Research on new treatments e.g. Banerjee et al (2014) showed total recovery from stroke using stem cell treatment compared to normal 4% recovery.
    E: However, this study drew conclusions based on just 5 participants and no control group, typical of research on functional recovery.
    L: This research may lack validity but waiting for larger samples may prevent the development of valuable treatments.
  • Weakness of Plasticity & functional Recovery?
    A) ?
  • Strength of Plasticity & Functional Recovery?
    A) ?
  • Weakness of Plasticity & Functional Recovery? - negative behavioural consequences?

    P: one limitation of plasticity is possible negative behavioural consequences 
    E: The brain’s adaptation to prolonged drug use leads to poorer cognitive functioning in later life, as well as an increased risk of dementia (Medina et al 2007).
    E: 60-80% of amputees have phantom limb syndrome (experience sensations in missing limb due to changes in somatosensory cortex).
    L: This suggests that the brain’s ability to adapt to damage is not always beneficial and may lead to physical and psychological problems.
  • Strength of Plasticity & Functional Recovery - real world application 

    P: One strength of functional recovery is its real-world application.
    E: Understanding plasticity has led to neurorehabilitation. Understanding axonal growth encourages new therapies.
    E: For example, constraint-induced movement therapy involves massed practice with an affected arm while unaffected arm is restrained.
    L: This shows that research into functional recovery helps medical professionals know when interventions can be made.
  • Weakness of Plasticity & Functional Recovery? - Seasonal Brain changes

    P: Seasonal Brain changes
    E: Seasonal plasticity occurs in response to environmental changes, e.g. the SCN shrinks in spring and expands in autumn (Tramontin & Brenowitz 2000).
    E: However, much of the work on seasonal plasticity has been done on animals, most notably songbirds. Human behaviour may be controlled differently.
    L: This suggests that animal research may be a useful starting point but can not simply be generalised to humans.
  • Evaluation of Plasticity & Functional Recovery?

    -Weakness SUPER PEEL
    +Strength SUPER PEEL
    -Negative Behavioural Consequences
    +Real World Application
    -Small Samples
  • Evaluation of Plasticity & Functional Recovery?
    A) ?