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  • 1046 - Leofric moves bishops seat from Crediton to Exeter
  • 1051 - Leofric becomes the first bishop of Exeter
  • 1051 - Exeter is officially a Cathedral
  • 680 AD - The life of st Boniface
  • 700 AD - Graves facing east
  • 1112 AD - Warelwarst rebuilds in gothic style
  • 1270's Bronesombe's rebuilding
  • Style changes from Romanesque to Gothic
  • Thick walls
    No buttresses
    Semi-circular arches for windows
    Built from stone
  • Gothic:
    Latin cross
    west entrance
    decorative portals
    rose windows
    long nave
    vaulted celling
    flying buttresses
    stained glass
    3 doors
    tympanum - realistic statues over doorways.
  • Growth in mass -> mass was considered beneficial -> needed more space for mass -> longer nave
  • Growth in clergy -> 24 cannons, 24 vicars, 12 clerks, 14 choristers, 21 chantry priests -> not enough room for mass -> vaulted celling, choir, altar, east window
  • Growth in devotion to saints -> cult of the virgin Mary -> not enough space for mass -> chapel of St. Gabriel, east window, west screen, choir, altar
  • Growth in devotion to saints -> cult of the virgin Mary -> lady chapel looked run down -> lady chapel was updated.