St. Pauls cathedral

Cards (5)

  • Similarities:
    Both held/holds a record (medieval/modern)
    Gothic phase (medieval)
    Hit by bombs, restored after the war (Modern)
    Memorials added (Modern)
  • Differences:
    Pauls has a spire (Medieval)
    Different records (Medieval)
    Pauls was effected by the great fire of London (Civil -war)
    Pauls was neoclassical (Civil-War)
    Pauls bomb did not explode (modern)
  • Medieval -
    Gothic choir added in 1313.
    Spire completed in 1314, tallest in Europe.
  • Civil-War:
    1666 - destroyed in the great fire of London.
    1675-1710, neoclassical.
  • Modern:
    Hit in the Battle of Britain, restored after the war
    Memorials added - American Chapel, 28,000 US stationed in the UK