Inference, Schemas - A01

    Cards (6)

    • Assumptions:
      • Human mind like a computer (input - process - output)
      • Behaviour result of internal mental processes
      • Information actively processed; humans not passive responders to environment
    • Inferences - making assumption based on evidence (behaviour) and reasoning about mental processes; take clues from observable behaviour.
    • Role of schemas - schema mental framework of beliefs and expectations that helps organise and interpret information and developed through experience. Take mental shortcuts by interpreting huge amounts of information, inform expectations, make predictions. Ignore or minimise evidence that doesn't fit in existing schemas which can lead to distortion, bias and stereotyping.
    • Theoretical Models - explain specific process characterised by series of steps, explain particular areas of behaviour (eg face recognition, memory). Environmental (input) subjected to mental processes (mediational processes) which underlies behaviour (output).
    • Computer Models - information processing based on way computers function, includes programming to computer to see if instructions produce similar output to humans, if they do suggest similar process going on in human minds. Led to development of thinking machines and AI.
    • Emergence Of Cognitive Neuroscience - scientific study of brain structures responsible for mental processes specifically how neurons behave during processes, involves mapping of brain areas to specific cognitive functions. Advancement of technology led to brain imaging techniques such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and positron emission tomography (PET) scans allowed systematic observations and description of neurological basis of mental processing (eg Tulving found different types of LTM may be located on opposite sides of pre-frontal cortex).