digestion and enzymes

Cards (18)

  • Where does digestion start in the human body?

    In the mouth
  • What is the role of salivary glands in digestion?

    They produce amylase enzyme to help break down food
  • What acid is found in the stomach that aids digestion?
    Hydrochloric acid
  • Why is hydrochloric acid important in the stomach?

    It provides the right pH for pepsin enzyme to function
  • What is absorbed in the small intestine?

    Food molecules into the blood
  • Which enzymes are produced in the small intestine?

    Protease, amylase, and lipase
  • What organ produces bile?

    The liver
  • What is the function of bile in digestion?

    It emulsifies fats
  • Where is bile stored in the body?

    In the gallbladder
  • What does the pancreas produce that aids in digestion?

    Protease, amylase, and lipase
  • What is the role of the large intestine in digestion?
    It absorbs excess water from food
  • What is stored in the rectum before being expelled?

  • what is an enzyme
    a biological catalyst that speeds up a reaction
  • lock and key theory
    substrate binds to active site
    shape of active site and substrate are complementary
    chemical reaaction occurs to produce small molecules
  • breakdown of protein
    amino acids
  • breakdown of lipids
    fatty acids and glycerol
  • breakdown of starch
    simple sugars
  • What is a substrate?

    a substance on where enzymes act