the farmer's bride

Cards (8)

  • form
    haphazard form - lacking organisation
    no definite rhyme scheme - brings reader's understanding that speaker is not educated or knowledgeable
    could explain why farmer can't support bride's emotional wellbeing
  • "like the shut of a winter's day"

    winter days are very short - closed off her emotions very quickly, isolating herself
  • "like a frightened fay"

    "fay" - simile, fairy. conveying that bride is mesmerising, ethereal, beautiful. depicts her image only on her appearance and not personality. lacking emotional intimacy. negative connotations as he is referring her as a mythical creature - doesn't see her as a real human.
  • "turned the key upon her, fast."
    "fast" - verb, did not think twice of his actions. isolating/secluding her as if she's infected - infecting her with abnormality. farmer does not care for bride's mental wellbeing. making his problem worse as he is straining their relationship even more. sympathy for wife
  • stanza 6: rhyme pattern
    more immediate use of rhyme - 3 than usual 2.
    more passion and desire for her - constantly on her mind
  • "the short days shorten and the oaks are brown"
    natural imagery - symbolises his sinking hope that she'll never love farmer freely. any form of communication is lost and possibility of relationship progressing is hopeless
  • rhyme pattern
    irregular pattern (AABBCBCBDD)
    symbolises wavering relationship, not balanced , reflects relationship - farmer overrules bride
  • "twasn't a woman"
    "twasn't" - phrase. dialect used to help characterise farmer - makes him sound real, links to realities of 1900s