L9 Observation

    Cards (15)

    • What is the definition of observation studies?

      A researcher watches or listens to participants engaging in a behavior.
    • What are the types of observation in research?
      1. Naturalistic vs Controlled
      2. Covert vs Overt
      3. Participant vs Non-participant
    • What is a naturalistic observation?

      Behavior is recorded in a place where it normally occurs.
    • What is a controlled observation?

      The experimenter controls parts of the study.
    • What does covert observation mean?

      Participants are not aware their behavior is being recorded.
    • What does overt observation mean?

      Participants are told in advance that they are in the study.
    • What is a participant observation?

      The researcher becomes part of the group to observe them closely.
    • What is a non-participant observation?

      The researcher observes from afar.
    • What is the purpose of categorizing behavior in observation studies?

      To break down target behavior into observable units.
    • What is inter-observer reliability?

      It is when more than one observer records the information to ensure accuracy.
    • What does high inter-observer reliability indicate?

      Records by all observers are the same or very similar.
    • What does low inter-observer reliability indicate?

      Records by all observers are very different and not considered accurate.
    • How can researchers ensure high inter-observer reliability?

      • All researchers have the same categories of behavior
      • All observers should watch the same participants/behaviors
      • Observers should compare recorded data and discuss differences
    • What are the advantages of observation?
      • high ecological validity
      • Reduced demand characteristics because of natural environment
    • What are disadvantages of Observation?
      • Observers do not know why the behavior occurred so further research is needed
      • Time consuming