the lungs

Cards (17)

  • What is the trachea commonly known as?

  • What muscle is responsible for breathing by contracting and relaxing?
  • What is the primary function of the trachea?

    To carry air to and from the lungs
  • What are the main branches of the trachea that lead into the lungs called?
  • What are bronchioles?

    Smaller branches of the bronchi within the lungs
  • Where does gas exchange occur in the lungs?

    In the alveoli
  • What is the role of alveoli in the respiratory system?

    To carry out gas exchange
  • What is necessary for effective gas exchange in the alveoli?

    A good blood supply
  • How does a steep concentration gradient benefit gas exchange?

    It enhances the diffusion of gases
  • Why are there many alveoli in the lungs?

    To create a large surface area for gas exchange
  • What is the primary function of the small intestine?

    To absorb digested food
  • What are villi in the small intestine?

    Finger-like projections that increase surface area
  • How do villi assist in digestion?

    By increasing surface area for absorption
  • What do villi contain that aids in nutrient absorption?

    A network of capillaries
  • Why is a good blood supply important for villi?

    It increases absorption of nutrients
  • What are the key features of villi that enhance absorption in the small intestine?

    • Single layer of cells
    • Good blood supply
    • Increase surface area
  • key structures of the lungs
    • Trachea
    • Bronchi
    • Alveoli
    • Capillary network surrounding the alveoli