AO1 - Zimbardo et al study

    Cards (6)

    • (1) Aim: To examine conformity to social roles in a mock prison environment in the basement of Stanford University.
    • (2) Sample: 24 male university students who volunteered and were randomly assigned to roles of prisoners or guards.
    • (3) Method: Prisoners were arrested at their homes/ places of work by local police. They were striped, deloused and given ID numbers and smocks. Guards were instructed to run the prison without physical violence.
    • (4) Results: Prisoners rebelled, but were quickly suppressed by the guards as they became increasingly abusive towards the prisoners. Five prisoners released early due to adverse reactions. Experiment terminated after six days due to inhumane conditions.
    • (5) Conclusion: Zimbardo concluded that people quickly conform to social roles, even against their moral principles. Situational factors largely responsible for the observed behaviour.
    • (6) People can easily become cruel and evil when they feel anonymous and have power over depersonalised others. This was seen in the behaviour of the guards and aided by the fact they wore sunglasses.