Cards (3)

  • Weakness of the Psychodynamic Approach- Concepts lack testability:
    • Personality- ID / IGO / SUPEREGO occurs within the mind 
    • Cannot be tested scientifically
    • Relies on subjective interpretation- universal generalisations cannot be made
  • Strength of Psychodynamic Approach- Supporting Evidence for Phallic stage of development:
    • Little Hans experiment- Freud called to explain a boys fear of horses
    • Little Hans- going through OEDIPIUS complex
    • Fear of horses- resembled his father
    • Increases the validity of the Psychodynamic Approach (Freud’s concepts demonstrated in real-life context)
  • Weakness of Psychodynamic approach- Opposing Theory to explain behaviour:
    • Psychodynamic Approach- argues that unconscious processes influence our behaviour
    • Biological Approach- assumes that there are biological factors which determine our behaviour- combination of genes we inherit
    • Decreases the validity- doesn’t specifically consider genetics
    • Furthermore, social learning theory states that we learn from the imitation and identification of others within a social context