learning theory

Cards (7)

  • classical conditioning
    • Caregiver is the NS
    • Food is US + NS= UR (pleasure )
    • Caregiver is CS = CR (pleasure )
  • operant conditioning
    • Crying leads to a response from the caregiver 
    • If they provide the correct response then that behaviour is reinforced 
    • The baby then cries for comfort 
  • secondary drive
    • Sears et al said as caregivers provide food so the drive of hunger becomes generalised to them
    • Attachment is a secondary drive learned through the association between the caregiver and satisfaction 
  • what is a limitation for learning theory-animals
    Lorenz’s geese imprinted on the first moving object regardless if they had anything to do with food
    Harlow’s monkeys displayed preference to cloth mother in preference to the wired who gave milk
    Other factors are important not just food
  • what is a limitation for learning theory-humans
    Schaffer and Emerson found that they mainly formed an attachment with the mother regardless if she was the one to feed them. 
    Isabella et al found high levels of interactional synchrony predict good quality attachment 
    These factors aren’t related to food
  • what is a strength of learning theory
    Babies may associate the feeling of being warm and comfortable with the presence of a particular adult which may influence the babies choice in of their main attachment figure
    Learning theory may still be useful 
  • what is a limitation for learning theory
    Classical and operant conditioning say babies take on a passive role by responding to comfort and reward 
    However babies take on an active role in the interactions which produce an attachment 
    Conditioning may not be an adequate explanation of any aspects of attachment