Presenting Data

Cards (14)

  • Graphs
    Provide a visual show of the results that can be misinterpreted
  • Tables
    Provides summary of results, unlikely to be misinterpreted
  • Discrete data
    no intervals between the data so it cant be split up
  • Continuous data
    has intervals due to the of measurement of the scales
  • Bar Chart
    Title, IV and DV, Key and Correct plotting of data
  • Bar chart displays discreet data
  • Bar chart displays discreet data
  • Histogram displays continuous data, bars are equal and touching
  • Pie chart
    Allows visual comparison of part of a whole
  • A significant result is one where there is a low probability that the result is because of chance or a fluke.
  • There are a variety of tests used to establish this significance. They provide the psychologists with a probability that the results are significant.
  • To indicate that this significant difference or relationship exists or is being considered the term significant can be used in the hypothesis.
  • A p-value represents the probability of something
    happening by chance. Expressed as a decimal
    • P= 0 means no influence of chance.
    • p=1 means completely down to chance
  • level of significance is shown as a p-value