Early attachment and later life

Cards (29)

  • What is the internal working model in relation to attachment?

    It is a model formed from a child's primary attachment that influences future relationships.
  • How does a loving relationship with a caregiver affect a child's future relationships?

    A child will tend to seek out functional relationships and behave functionally within them.
  • What impact do bad experiences with attachment have on a child's later relationships?

    They may struggle to form relationships or behave inappropriately within them.
  • What attachment type is likely to have the best friendships as teenagers?
    • Secure attachment type
  • Which attachment type is most likely to be bullied?

    • Insecure avoidant attachment type
  • Which attachment type is most likely to be a bully?

    • Insecure resistant attachment type
  • Which attachment type is most likely to have good long-term relationships with partners?
    • Secure attachment type
  • Which attachment type is most likely to experience jealousy with their partners?

    • Insecure avoidant attachment type
  • Which attachment type is most likely to fear intimacy with their partners?

    • Insecure avoidant attachment type
  • What was the focus of Hazan and Shaver's (1987) study?

    To study the association between attachment and adult relationships.
  • What method did Hazan and Shaver use to collect data in their study?

    They analyzed replies to a 'love quiz' printed in a local newspaper.
  • What were the three sections of the 'love quiz' used by Hazan and Shaver?

    Current relationship, general love experiences, and attachment type.
  • What percentage of respondents in Hazan and Shaver's study were identified as securely attached?

  • What did the findings of Hazan and Shaver suggest about attachment behavior?

    Patterns of attachment behavior are reflected in romantic relationships.
  • What did McCarthy (1999) find regarding securely attached infants?

    They had the best adult friendships and romantic relationships.
  • What problems did insecure-resistant infants face in adulthood according to McCarthy (1999)?

    They had particular problems maintaining friendships.
  • What difficulties did insecure-avoidant infants face in romantic relationships according to McCarthy (1999)?

    They struggled with intimacy.
  • What is the continuity hypothesis in attachment theory?

    • Consistency between early emotional experiences and later relationships
    • Children’s attachment types reflected in later relationships
  • What is Bowlby's view on attachment?

    He sees attachment as monotropic, with infants forming a primary attachment to one person.
  • What are the three attachment types identified by Ainsworth in the Strange Situation?

    Secure, insecure avoidant, and insecure resistant.
  • What did Kagan propose as an alternative explanation for continuity in relationships?

    He proposed the temperament hypothesis, suggesting innate personality influences attachment quality.
  • What limitation does the evidence on continuity of attachment present?

    There is mixed evidence regarding the relationship between infant and adolescent attachment.
  • Why is the evidence on attachment considered subjective?

    Most studies rely on self-report methods, which depend on honesty and accurate recollections.
  • What does the association between infant attachment and later relationships not imply?

    It does not imply causation; other factors may influence both.
  • How do Clarke and Clarke (1998) view the influence of infant attachment on later relationships?

    They describe it as probabilistic, suggesting people are not doomed to have bad relationships.
  • What cultural limitation is associated with the Strange Situation?

    It may not be applicable across different cultures, as attachment perceptions vary.
  • What are the assessment objectives for discussing research into early attachment and adult relationships?
    • AO1: Knowledge and understanding of concepts and studies
    • AO3: Analyze, interpret, and evaluate psychological concepts and research
  • What is the role of Bowlby’s internal working model in attachment theory?

    • Provides a blueprint for later attachment
    • Influences relationships and parenting styles
  • What are the implications of the continuity hypothesis in attachment theory?

    • Early relationships affect later relationships
    • Attachment types influence adult relationship quality