Cards (15)

    • Cognitive characteristics are based on how people think.
    • Behavioural characteristics are based on the way people act.
    • Emotional characteristics are based on how people feel.
    • Behavioural characteristics of OCD include compulsions (repetitive behaviours) which interfere with everyday life.
    • Emotional characteristics of OCD include anxiety/ distress, embarrassment and disgust.
    • Cognitive characteristics of OCD include obsessions which are intrusive and dominating, irrational thoughts and hyper-vigilance.
    • DSM recognises OCD as having repetitive behaviours and obsessive thinking.
    • Compulsions are behavioural characteristics of OCD.
    • Compulsions reduce anxiety in people with OCD.
    • People with OCD will avoid situations that cause them distress or anxiety.
    • Extreme feelings of anxiety are emotional characteristics of OCD.
    • Feeling guilty or embarrassed is an emotional characteristic of OCD.
    • Obsessive thoughts are cognitive characteristics of OCD.
    • Ruminating thoughts are cognitive characteristics of OCD.
    • Compulsions help people with OCD ease their symptoms.