
Cards (7)

  • strengths
    1.usefulness in psychoanalysis
    2. usefulness as it highlights importance of early childhood experiences3. considers both nature and nurture4. less reductionist
  • weaknesses
    1.not scientific
    2. deterministic so ignores role of free will3. reductionist viewpoint
  • + it is useful for helping to deal with mental health issues.
    ideas put forward by Freud have influenced therapies put forward to treat mental disorders. Freud was the first person to recognise that psychological factors could be used to explain the physical symptoms of mental health issues. Techniques used during psychoanalysis have been widely used to help people overcome psychological problems- Lindgren et al 2010 found a significantly reduced level of symptoms in patients with depression, anxiety or low self esteem, after 18 months of psychodynamic therapy
  • +it highlights the importance of early childhood experiences
    this is a strength because it emphasises the importance of the first 3 years of a Childs life. This is considered the critical period in a Childs development and will have an impact on future behaviour. If we are aware that maternal deprivation leads to delinquency in the future, as proposed by bowlbys research, then strategies can be put into place to lessen the effects of separation during this critical period.
  • +it takes into account both sides of the nature nurture debate
    this is a strength as it means that it takes an interactionist approach when explaining human behaviour. This means that the influence of nature, the characteristics we are born with, are considered as well as the influence of nurture, the traits developed through early childhood experiences, resulting in a more through explanation of behaviour. For example, freud claims that the adult personality is the result of our innate drives and childhood experiences -our nature and nurture.
  • -it does not adopt a scientific approach when investigating human behaviour

    this is a weakness because it means the approach does not meet scientific criteria; psychodynamic theories are based on opinion rather than factual scientific evidence, conclusions are not objective, and theories cannot be falsified. As a result, some may view the psychodynamic approach as not credible. for example, the unconscious mind is unfalsifiable, and critics doubt its existence.
  • -it is deterministic. Freud sees infant behaviour as being determined by innate forces and adult behaviour as determined by childhood experiences

    this approach sees our personality as being shaped by forces beyond our control E.G a fixation in the oral stage. this is a weakness as it highlights we have no free will in who we become or how we behave. This implies we cannot be held responsible for our behaviour or personality traits, as we cannot change the way we behave, nor can we influence it. This view can give people an excuse for their behaviour, especially for unreasonable behaviour.