
Cards (4)

  • Bandura, Ross and Ross(1961)
    • Aim: to see if children learn aggression from adult role models
    • Participants: 72 children aged 3-6years of age
    -all were assessed for natural levels of aggressions and matched to a similar child in other conditions
  • Procedures:
    • A lab experiment was used
    • they were split into groups as:
    Those in the 'aggressive' condition saw an adult attack a 'Bobo doll'
    All children were then taken to a room with nice toys and told they couldn't play with them (to frustrate them)
    Then they were put in a play situation
  • Findings:
    • those in the 'aggressive' conditions acted more aggressively
    • boys were more likely to imitate the same sex role model
    • boys imitated more physical aggression than girls
  • conclusions:
    • This supports SLT as the children observed and imitated aggressive acts
    • Gender differences might be due to expectations the children had eg :how they were expected to behave