social learning theory

    Cards (16)

    • why is the social learning theory view on reductionism
      It reduced complex learning to a handful of key processes like imitation and modelling, but they do place emphasis on cognitive factors that mediate learning and the interaction between these and external influences
    • evaluations of the social learning theory
      Strength: Unlike behaviourism, it recognises cognitive factors with Bandura saying learning would be laborious and hazardous if we had to rely on our own actions
      Weakness: Ignores biological factors like mirror neurons which allow us to empathise and imitate others
      Weakness: Demand characteristics such as the purpose of a Bobo doll being to hit it so children just behaving in an expected way
      Strength: Applies to cultural norms
      Strength: Reciprocal determinism - we’re influenced by the environment but our behaviour can influence it
    • who proposed the social learning theory ?
      Albert Bandura
    • where did the social learning theory agree with behaviourists ?

      behaviour is learned from experience
    • how does the social learning theory believe behaviours is learnt 

      both directly through conditioning but also indirectly through observation and imitation of others
    • what is vicarious reinforcement
      where an individual observers the behaviour of others being rewarded they repeat that behaviour themselves
    • what are mediational processes ? 

      cognitive factors involved in learning determining whether a new response will be acquired
    • what are the 4 mediational processes
      1. attention
      2. retention
      3. motor reproduction
      4. motivation
    • what does the SLT think about the learning and performance of behaviour in contrast to the behaviourist approach

      they need not occur together - observed behaviour can be stored by the observer and reproduced at a later time
    • what is identification
      a desire to be associated with a person or group because they possess certain desirable characteristics
    • Who is the person someone identifies with called?
      a role model
    • what is the process of imitating a role model?
    • what was banduras procedure ?
      Young children watched an adult behave in an aggressive way towards a bobo doll, hitting it with a hammer and shouting abuse at it
    • what did bandura find
      When the children were later observed playing with a Bobo doll, they behaved much more aggressively than those who observed a non-aggressive adult
    • what was banduras second procedure
      Children shown videos of adults behaving aggressively towards a Bobo doll, and the adult was either praised, punished or no consequence
    • what was banduras second study’s finding
      The group where the adult wad praised showed the most aggression, then the no consequence group, then the punishment group