The Sign Test

    Cards (8)

    • To be able to use the sign test, what TWO values must you be able to work out?

      S value
      N value
    • Why use a statistical test?

      It allows a psychologist to make a CONCLUSION with a LEVEL of STATISTICAL CONFIDENCE, rather than result/relationship being possibly DOWN TO CHANCE
    • What probability level is generally chosen by Psychologists?

    • What does 0.05 probability show?

      Shows that the probability of a result not being by chance is AT LEAST 95%
    • Step 1 of the sign test?
      • in a new column record the SIGN
      • positive value = +
      • negative value= -
      • if the same record a 0
    • Step 2 of the sign test?

      Get the S VALUE :
      • count number of times the least frequent sign occurs
    • Step 3 of the sign test?

      Get the N VALUE:
      • Count the TOTAL NUMBER OF + and - signs
      • DO NOT COUNT THE 0 here
    • Step 4 of the sign test?

      Decide if the hypothesis is one or two tailed