Environmental displays / Regular Cycle may based on the movement of earth and the moon
Cycles may includes
Day & Night Cycles
Seasonal Cycles
Changes in gay length (Photoperiodism )
Gravitational pull of the moon - High / Low tides
Activity patterns are innate (genetically programmed) - controlled by internal clocks (Biological Clocks)
Internal clock are mainly controlled by Zeitgeber (environmental cue)
Synchronised by cues to determine time onset (Offset) of activity
E.g. = Morepork starts to become active at nightfall
Entrainment is that organisms activity is et to a specific zeitgeber - most common on set of daylight
Chnages in season = Photoperiod (period of light - time of the day)
Endogenous (Internal ) = Activity rhythms is under the control of internal clock = Displays characteristics period.
Clock may still be able to run - still displays rhytmic activity
Free running period is a a constant period typically not 24 hrs
If > 24 hrs - activity occurs LATER each day
If < 24 hrs - activity occurs EARLIER each day
Endogenous Rhythms:
Circadian - 24 hrs
Circannual - 365 days
Circatidal - 12 hrs / one tide
Circalunar - 30 days
Circa semilunar - 15 days
Exogenous are external factors like photosynthesis = only occurs when there is a sufficient light intensity
To determine between Exogenous and Endogenous
if activity is put in constant / displays periodicity - if its affected by zeitgeber (on / offset ) of light - it may start to undergo phaseshift - it will start the activity until it coincides with the zeitgeber onset to be synchronised / entrained
E.g. When travelling to different time zones
Actogram :
Normal Zeitgeber - entrained to onset darkness
Shifts backward by 12 hrs offset activities moves back each day <24 hrs = earlier each day (phase shift)
will take time to get synchronised agains - entrainments - (phase shift takes time )
May remove zeitgeber leading to free running period
Internal Clock are under genetic control by several genes
In humans (internal clock ) daylight is detected by the eyes -> SCN (Hypothalamus --> Constantly needed to reset to entrain to 24hr