Cards (6)

  • Christiansen - concordance rate between violent criminal twins
    55% monozygotic concordance rate
    22% dizygotic concordance rate
    shows that there is a genetic basis to violent behaviour
  • Hutchings and Mednik
    adoption study. found that children who displayed aggression were also likely to have biological parents who displayed aggression. this suggests a genetic basis to aggression
  • Brunner - case study on 5 dutch men
    dna analysis of a dutch family with excessive aggressive behaviour
    results showed that all 5 men had a mutation of the MAOA gene, causing less serotonin activity and therefore more aggressive behaviour
  • Limitations of twin studies
    • assume that the impact of the environment is the same for monozygotic and dizygotic twins - that they are treated the same because they are identical twins
    • when in reality it could be completely different
  • Limitations of adoption studies
    • children are usually placed with families similar to their biological families, meaning they have grown up in a similar environment to what they would be in if with their biological parents
    • this rather than genetics, may explain why they display similar behaviour to their biologial parents
    • this means that adoption studies lack validity
  • the genetic explanation ignores gene environment interactions
    e.g - Caspi et al
    found that children with the short MAOA allele
    were more likely to become hyperaggressive as adults, but this effect depended on their environment as a child
    only those who were maltreated as a child became hyperaggressive