situational explanations of dynamics of social hierarchies:
agentic state
legitimate authority
agentic state:
person doesnt take accountability, instead acting for someone else
agent is not a puppet -experience high moral strain but powerless to disobey
autonomous state:
free to behave according to own principles
agentic shift:
from autonomous to agentic
occurs when person perceives someone as authority figure
based on social hierarchy
binding factors:
aspects of situation that allow person to minimise or ignore damaging effects of behaviour - lowers moral strain
milgram's binding factors:
shifting responsibility to victims
denying damage done to victims
legitimacy of authority:
more likely to obey someone who we perceive has authority over us - authority justified by position of power in social hierarchy
most societies structured in hierarchical way - allows society to function smoothly
destructive authority:
legitimate authority becomes destructive
my lai massacre:
vietnam war, 504 unarmed civilians killed by us soldiers
lt william calley faced charges - defence = duty following orders, showed moral strain
EVALUATION: research support for agentic state
Blass + Schmidt - watched original footage + suggested who was responsible, experimenter = top of hierarchy, legitimate authority
participants who resisted shocks asked who was responsible - experimenter said they were, continued with procedure
support for role of agentic state + legitimate authority figure determining obedience
EVALUATION: limited explanation
contradictory evidence (Rank + Jacobson) - 16/18 nurses disobeyed doctors to administer excessive dose to patient
doctor = authority, nurses = autonomous, milgram = large amount disobeyed despite authority
agentic shift + legitimate authority only account for some situations - dispositional factors may have larger role
EVALUATION: explains cultural differences
legitimacy explanation = useful account of cultural differences, studies show countries differ in degree to which people are obedient to authority
kilhaim + mann - 16% female australians went to 450V, Mantall - 85% for germans
some cultures = authority is more likely to be accepted as legitimate - reflects different society structures + how people are raised to perceive authority