resistance to social influence

Cards (10)

  • resistance to social pressure:
    • ability of people to withstand social pressure to conform to majority or obey authority
    • influenced by situational + dispositional factors
  • social support: conformity
    • dissenter introduced in asch's study = conformity levels dropped
    • correct answer = 36.8% - 5.5%, incorrect answer but majority = 36.8% - 9%
    • majority is no longer unanimous, NSI avoided, pressure reduced
  • social support: obedience
    • milgram's variation with rebelling peers - 65% - 10% continued to 450V
    • peers disobedience acts as a model of dissent, challenges legitimacy of authority, pressure reduced
  • locus of control:
    • person's perception of personal control over their behaviour
    • proposed by Rotter
  • internal locus of control:
    • believe they can control/influence events in their own life
  • external locus of control:
    • believe outside factors such as luck or fate influence what happens in their life
  • locus of control continuum:
    • people with internal are more able to resist pressures to conform or disobey - higher confidence + achievement
    • take personal responsibility for actions + experiences - make decisions based on own beliefs
    • people with external dont feel they have complete control - far less likely to take responsibility + show independence
  • EVALUATION: research support for social support
    • asch's variation with dissenter - 36.8% - 5%, decrease in conformity when confederate gave incorrect but different response
    • milgrams variation with 2 rebelling peers - 10% administered 450V shock
    • provision of social support reduces pressure on participants, easier to have independent behaviour
  • EVALUATION: research support for locus of control
    • link between locus of control + resisting pressures to obey
    • howard - repeated milgrams study + measured externals + internals (37% internals didnt continue, 23% externals) - internals showed greater resistance
    • resistance is partly related to locus of control - increases validity of explanation
  • EVALUATION: contradictory research (locus of control resisting pressure):
    • twenge et al - analysed us locus of control studies over 40 years - people became more resistant + external
    • surprising outcome - if resistance is linked to locus of control people would be internal
    • locus of control is not a valid explanation of how people resist social influence