Cards (13)

    • what was asch's aim
      to find to what extent people conform to the opinions of others
    • what were the variables
      task difficulty
      group size
    • what were the findings on group size
      conformity was 31.8%
    • what were the findings on unanimity
      conformity decreased to 5%
    • what were the findings of task difficulty
      conformity increased
    • what is one strength of Asch's study
      controlled environment / repeatable
    • what is one limitation of Asch's study
      not diverse / lack of ecological validity / ethical issues
    • what is group size
      the amount of people in the select group
    • what is unanimity
      the introduction of an opposing view breaking the unanimous decision
    • what is task difficulty
      the complexity of the given task
    • compliance
      publicaly agreeing with the group, whilst privately disagreeing
    • internalisation
      agreeing with others in public and private
    • identification
      agreeing to fit into a role in society