ethical issues

Cards (17)

  • validity
    does the research measure what it's meant to measure
  • internal validity
    that the study is not being influenced by external factors
  • external validity
    the extent to which the study can be generalised
  • ecological validity
    does the study represent everyday setting/life
  • mundane realism
    does the task apply to real life scenarios/tasks
  • temporal validity
    does the study apply to life over time, or just the period the study is conducted in
  • population validity
    can you apply the findings to a larger group of people
  • face validity
    whether a study looks like it measures what its supposed to, if face validity is good, internal validity is good
  • concurrent validity
    when the findings of the study are similar to that of another recognised study, if concurrent validity is good internal validity is accurate
  • consent
    did the participants agree to the study
  • informed consent
    did the participants know what they're agreeing to
  • deception
    were the participants lied to
  • debriefing
    were participants debriefed and allowed to ask questions
  • right to withdraw
    did participants know they could stop participating
  • anonymity and confidentiality
    participants have the right to remain anonymous in publififcation of research
  • protection of participants
    were participants protected from psychological or physical harm
  • cost-benefit analysis
    whether research benefits outweigh ethical issues with the study