Learning Theory of Attachment

Cards (12)

  • What is Classical Conditioning?
    A type of learning where an involuntary reflex is associated with a new stimulus.
  • What is Operant Conditioning?

    Learning through the consequences of actions.
  • How can you apply attachment to Classical Conditioning?
    The baby would associate the mother (NS) with the food (UCS) to eventually create a response of pleasure (CR) by seeing the mother.
  • How can you apply attachment to Operant Conditioning?
    The baby would learn through when a mother feeds them. If the baby cries, and receives comfort, they would be positively reinforced to continue crying to get comforted. It can also be applied to the mother, in which, the mother may be negatively reinforced to comfort the baby if the baby keeps crying to comfort the mother.
  • What is the learning theory of attachment referred to as?
    'Cupboard Love' theory
  • How did Dollard and Miller investigate the learning theory of attachment?
    They found that babies were fed around 2000 times in the first year of age. This shows that babies saw food as their primary reinforcer instead of the mother, showing that they prefer food. This supports the 'Cupboard Love' theory.
  • How did animal studies investigate the learning theory of attachment?
    Harlow investigated baby rhesus monkeys and found that they preferred the 'Towelling Mother' for contact comfort more than food from the 'Wire Mother', undermining the 'Cupboard Love' theory.
  • What is the 'Cupboard Love' theory?

    The theory where children learn to love whoever feeds them
  • What did Bowlby's theory of attachment suggest?
    We have an innate tendency to form attachments because they give a survival advantage
  • What are the five characteristics to attachment?
    • They are ADAPTIVE
    • Babies have SOCIAL RELEASERS
    • There is a CRITICAL PERIOD to attach
    • Attachments are MONOTROPIC
    • We develop an INTERNAL WORKING MODEL
  • What is a weakness of Bowlby's theory of attachment?
    The theory can be seen as socially sensitive by putting pressure on women to stay home with the children and not return to work.
  • What is a strength of Bowlby's theory of attachment?
    There is research to support the internal working model, looking at Hazen and Shaver's 'Love Quiz'