- past: seen in relation to a drug [chemical addiction]
- but it is incr recognised that addictions can also occur within behaviours & definitions have tended to move towards describing reduced lvls of control regarding the behav
- [i.e. person will indulge in the behav despite attempts not to]
evidence for a genetic factor comes from family studies
- Kendler et al. [2012] compared adoptees from bio families that had at least one parent w an addiction with adoptees that had bio parents w/o any addictions
- those w at least one bio parent w an addiction had a 8.6% chance of dvlping an addiction themselves compared to just 4.2% of those w non-addicted bio parents
risk factors - genetic vulnerability ; indirect influences of genes on addiction
- factors such as personality, risk-taking behavs, self-control & emotional regulation have been shown to potentially be at least in part determined by genetic factors
- all of the above can be seen to have role in the formation of addiction & therefore further incrs the influence genes might have in addiction
- suggests childhood trauma is only a risk factor if later paired w a stressful life incident [e.g. d/s model of addiction]
- Anderson & Teicher [2008] suggests the trauma in childhood occurs at the time of sensitive dvlpment, thus creating a vulnerability to later addictions
- while the idea of an 'addictive personality' holds little away in psych, there are personality traits that are associated a incr risk of dvlping addiction
- antisocial personality d [aspd] is partic associated w addic,
> d is characterised by impulsivity; lack of planning, high risk taking, chaotic lifestyle
- it is spec that aspd & addic may share a neurological basis & may be related genetically
- the risk factors identified don't work in isolation, it is the combinations of diff factors tht tend to show the strongest predictive value for addic formation & severity
- & risk factors can act as protective factor [e.g. some personality traits may make addics less likely to occurs] counteracting the risks
- this creates a more complex pic than looking at each rich factor in isolation
expl for nicotine addiction ; learning theory - operant conditioning: positive reinforcement
> adding a desirable stimulus [pleasure from smoking] that incrs the likelihood the preceding behav [smoking] will be repeated
- if the behav of smoking is perceived as rewarding [e.g. due to its chemical action on dopamine,] it is predicted to be more likely to reoccur by posi rein
- this can expl initial formation of nicotine addic
expl for nicotine addiction ; learning theory - evaluation ; applications
- the theory of behav mechanisms in nicotine addic has led to treatments based on these theories, such as aversion therapy which have demonstrated to be more effective for attempts to cess smoking compared to no therapy
- Smith [1988] 52% still abstaining after 1 year using aversion therapy compared to 25% without
expl for nicotine addiction ; learning theory - evaluation ; limited explanations
- less than half of adolescents that experiment w smoking go on to become dependent
- some may smoke occasionally or even daily but not exp withdrawal symptoms
- this is a difficulty for theories w a limited no. of processes to expl as there are likely to be numerous factors involved [peers, family influence, biological vuln, personality, stress]
expl for nicotine addiction ; neurochemistry -desensitisation hypothesis [nAChR] 1.
- Acetylcholine is distributed widely through the nervous system & is associated w multiple functions
- it has a variety of associated receptors
- of interest to studying nicotine are the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors [nAChR] that bind with & stimulated by both ACh & nicotine [agonists for nAChR]
expl for nicotine addiction ; neurochemistry - nicotine regulation model [upregulation] 1.
- nicotine is naturally metabolised by enzymes [e.g. CYP2A6] & removed from the body, allowing ACh receptors to regain function [upregulation] & sensitivity
- the incr in activity of ACh has the effect of incr anxiety/agitation & decr lvls of dopamine [nicotine withdrawal syndrome]
- after prolonged periods without nicotine, the smoker will start to feel these effects & be motivated to remove them by having a cigarette