Cell structure and function - Eukaryotic cells (plant cell)

Cards (20)

  • What is cell theory?
    Cell theory is a unifying concept stating that cells are a fundamental unit of structure, function and organisation in all living organisms
  • What is a eukaryotic?
    Eukaryotic are animal cells and plant cell contain membrane bound organelles
  • Where is the eukaryotic found?
    Found in all other organisms in the kingdom:
    1. Protoctista
    2. Fungi
    3. Plantae
    4. Animalia
  • What are the organelles in plant cells?
    1. Cell wall
    2. Golgi apparatus
    3. Vacuole
    4. 80s ribosomes
    5. Vacuole membrane (tonoplast)
    6. Amyloplast containing starch grains
    7. Chloroplast
    8. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER)
    9. Plasma membrane
    10. Middle lamella
    11. Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER)
    12. Pit
    13. Nucleolus
    14. Mitochondria
    15. Nuclear envelope
  • What is the cell wall?
    For support and protection
  • What is the Golgi apparatus?
    • A series of single, curved sacs enclosed by a membrane
    • Many vesicles cluster around the Golgi apparatus
    • Modifies proteins and packages them in vesicles for transport
  • What is the vacuole?
    Storage membrane stores water and other substances. Has its own membrane called tonoplast. It can become turgid
  • What is the 80s ribosomes?
    They make proteins
  • What is the vacuole membrane (tonoplast)
    A tonoplast membrane controls movement of molecules into and out of the vacuole
  • What is the amyloplast containing starch grains?
    To store starch
  • What is the chloroplast?
    Contains chlorophyll a site of photosynthesis
  • What is the smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER)?
    • A series of single, tubular sacs made of membrane
    • Lipids made here
  • What is the plasma membrane?
    • Protects cell from its surroundings
    • Regulates movement of substances in and out of cells
  • What is the plasmodesmata?
    Not an organelle its a hole in the plant cell wall it allows communication between one cell and another
  • What is middle lamella?
    To stick cells together
  • What is the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER)?
    • A series of single, flattened sacs enclosed by a membrane
    • Has ribosomes on the surface
    • Proteins made here
  • What is the pit?
    It allows communication between one cell and another
  • What is the nucleolus?
    • Region of dense DNA and protein
    • Makes ribosomes
  • What is the nuclear envelope?
    In the nucleus controls the cell containing the DNA. The membrane of the cell
  • What is mitochondria?
    • Surrounded by a double membrane (envelope)
    • Inner membrane folded into finger like projections called cristae (singular crista)
    • Central area contains a jelly called the matrix
    • Containing 70s ribosomes and DNA
    • Site of respiration