Vocab pt 2

Cards (26)

  • our eyes send info to our photoreceptors, bipolar cells, and then gangleon cells that give it to our brain through the optic nerve
  • The lens in our eye focuses light and accommodates to our surroundings
  • Cones are less populated and can see color and detail
  • rods are more populated and are our peripheral vision
  • The Trichromatic color theory is that some nerve fibers in the retina are especially sensitive to red, green, and blue
  • Opponent process theory: there are three opponent channels (rvg, bvy, and bvw) and only one can go at a time
  • Dichromatism is when 2 of the 3 color cones are functional (usually green and blue)
  • Monochromatism is when none of your cone cells work
  • colorblindness is more common in men and is recessive
  • The outer ear gathers sound
  • the middle ear amplifies sound
  • the inner ear does transduction
  • your semicircular canals in your ear help with balance
  • your ossicles are the Malleus, the incus, and the stapes
  • red and orange have a longer wavelength than blue
  • bright colors have a higher amplitude than dull colors
  • high pitches sound has a shorter wavelength than low pitch sounds
  • loud sounds have a higher amplitude than quieter sounds
  • Sensorineural hearing loss is caused by damage to the inner ear /cochlea
  • conduction hearing loss is caused by damage to the ossicles
  • Place theory is that sound waves are picked up from different places in the basilar membrane
  • Volley theory is that groups of nerves fire slightly out sync and the brain decode the timing
  • frequency theory is that the amount of hertz are the amount of neural firings in the brain
  • 80-90% of taste is smell
  • prosopagnosia is face blindness
  • blindsight is the neurological condition that allows people to perceive visual stimuli without being consciously aware of it