multi store model

Cards (6)

    • information from environment goes to sensory memory
    • person pays attention goes to short term memory
    • repeating info transferred to LTM
    • info being rehearsed is by maintenance rehearsal if not it will decay
    • info from LTM goes to STM by retrieval
  • Richard Atkinson and Richard Shiffrin created the MSM
  • AO3 1 - MSM too simple
    maintenance rehearsal can explain storage in semantic memory but not episodic memory
  • A03 2 - case studies proves MSM - diff stores 

    Scoville and milner - patient HM - hippocampus removed - could not form new LTM but can remember things before surgery (STM) - proves separate stores
  • AO3 3 - MSM states STM involved before LTM
    • Logie pointed out that STM relies on LTM - cannot come first
    • e.g remembering big words- need to recall meanings and groups of letters which stored in LTM
    • means STM not separate store - apart of LTM
  • A03 4 - evidence of STM and LTM separate 

    Beardsley - prefrontal cortex active during STM but not LTM = separate - evidence provide support for MSM