a japanese ruler who encouraged cultural diffusion from countries on the Asian mainland
What aspects of their culture did Japan adopt from the Korean Peninsula?
Confucianism & Buddhism
bronze casting
advanced ironworking
Empress Suiko and Prince Shotoku came to power when...
the ruling family in the region of Yamato (Honshu) became powerful enough
Type of society during Empress Suiko's and Prince Shotoku's rule:
Main crop during Empress Suiko's and Prince Shotoku's
Family life during Empress Suiko's and Prince Shotoku's rule:
centered around the mother
Government during Empress Suiko's and Prince Shotoku's rule:
power divided among uji
clans with chiefs (Japan was far from being unified so power was divided amongst the uji)
Knowledge of mainland culture came to Japan via...
the Japanese who traveled to China
forms of gifts
Korean workers who settled in Japan
Shotoku created the Seventeen Article Constituion in 604 C.E. that was based on Chinese Confucianism and it explained...
how the emperor was the supreme leader
In 700-800 C.E. :
rulers adopted a form of Chinese government which was strongly centralized and supported by a large bureacracy
In 900 C.E., Japan's government turned into a...
powerful aristocracy, meaning only nobles held high positions in the government
Japanese form of government:
emperor depends on the uji
emperor depends on local leaders
continual struggle for the right to select the emperor
Before Japan's government was influenced:
The emperor had loose control over the uji who controlled their own areas of land. Uji chiefs fought over the right to select Japan's emperor and influence his decisions.
Japan's capital city (Nara) :
based on the Chinese capital city (Chang'an)
checkerboard streets
imperial palace
Buddhist temples & monasteries
Differences between Nara & Chang'an:
size difference (Nara is a lot smaller)
protective borders (Nara has no walls)
a Japanese religion that expresses love and respect for nature
a spiritual discipline that involves deep relaxation and clearing the mind of distracting thoughts
seeing the world as it really is
Mahayana / "Greater Vehicle"
teaching of the Mahayana that all people can reach nirvana
followers believed in bodhisattvas
a state of perfect peace
Buddhists who can enter nirvana but choose instead to help others reach enlightenment
Who and what did followers of Shinto worship?
natural objects of nature
the emperor
special people
What did Shinto stress?
purifying the unclean
What is the moral code of the Eightfold Path?
showing respect
acting right
Before borrowing Chinese characters the Japanese was only a spoken language and had no...
writing system of its own
Kanji / "Chinese writing"
Japanese words
Kana (900 C.E)
simplified Chinese characters that stood for Japanese syllables
poems based off songs and oral tradition and were about love and the beauty of nature
Sculptures were meant to...
accompany and protect the dead
Prince Shotoku founded Horyuji which was...
a place of Buddhist worship
Shintoshrines were based on...
agricultural society and nature
court music from China
wind instrument the resembles a phoenix
In what ways did neighboring cultures influence Japan?
influenced Japan's government, city development, religion, writing, literature, sculptures, architecture, and music
a tower-shaped structure with several stories and upturned, tiled roofs
In medieval times, ideas from other cultures traveled to Japan via...