What happens to the current in a single, closed loop of a circuit?
It stays the same
What is the component name of the symbol below?
This is an openswitch
What is the name of the symbol below?
This is a closedswitch
What is the name of the symbol below?
This is a cell
What is the name of the symbol below?
This is a battery
What is the name of the symbol below?
This is called a diode
What is the name of the symbol below?
This is a resistor
What is the name of the symbol below?
This is a variableresistor
What is the name of the symbol below?
This is a bulb (Can also be called a lamp)
What is the name of the symbol below?
This is a fuse
What are the names of the 2 symbols below?
This is a voltmeter and ammeter
What is the name of the symbol below?
This is a thermistor
What is the name of the symbol below?
This is called an LDR
What is the resistance of a component?
A measure of how it resists the flow of charge
How does a high resistance effect current?
It lowers the current - It makes it more difficult for charge to flow
What is resistance measured in?
What is potential difference / voltage?
the difference in electrical potential between two points in a circuit - can be thought of as an electrical push
How does a high voltage / potential difference affect current ?
It increases the current - the charge flow across the component become greater
What is the equation for potential difference?
potential difference = current x resistance
What do potential difference - current graphs show?
The relationship between the potential difference and current in a component
What type of line indicates a directly proportional voltage and current?
A straight line
What type of gradient indicates a low resistance?
A steep gradient - A large current will flow for a small potential difference?
What type of gradient indicates a high resistance?
A shallow gradient - A large potential difference is needed to produce a small current
What is an ohmic conductor?
A resistor where the current is directly proportional to the potential difference at a constant temperature
What happens to the resistance in an ohmic conductor?
The resistance remains constant as the current changes
What component does the graph below show?
This shows an ohmicconductor
What happens to the resistance in a filament lamp?
The resistance increases as the current increases - This is because as the current increases, the temperature of the lamp also increases
Which component does the graph below show?
This shows a filamentlamp
Why does the current in a diode only flow in one direction?
The diode has very high resistance in the reverse direction
What component is shown in the graph below?
This shows a diode
What happens to the resistance in thermistors?
The resistance decreases as the temperature increases
Thermistors are useful in temperature control circuits. Give 2 examples of this
In a circuit for a thermostat that turns a heater off at a particular temperature OR a circuit for an indicator light that turns on when a system is overheating
What happens to the resistance in an LDR?
The resistance decreases as the lightintensity increases
LDR's can be used when automatic light control is needed. Give 2 examples of this
Street lights and cameras - to determine if a flash is needed
Complete the sentence
Series circuits have no branches - the current can only flow in one path
Describe the current in series circuits
In a series circuit, the current is the same all the way round - at each component