psych - cognitive approach

Cards (17)

  • What areas of human behavior has the this approach investigated that were neglected by behaviorism?

    The cognitive approach
  • How do cognitive psychologists interact with people according to the cognitive approach?
    By observing their behavior to understand what is going on in their minds
  • What is the purpose of schemas in cognitive psychology?
    To allow us to process lots of information quickly
  • what do schemas do?
    It allows us to process lots of information quickly. This prevents us from being overwhelmed by information by providing a mental shortcut.
  • How do schemas change as a person gets older?
    They become more detailed and sophisticated
  • What negative effect can schemas have on our interpretation of sensory information?
    They may distort our interpretation, leading to errors
  • How do schemas contribute to the creation of stereotypes?
    They exclude information that doesn’t conform to prior experience
  • What does the theoretical model suggest about behavior?
    It can be described in a series of distinct steps, meaning each component can be studied individually and examined.
  • What are the components of the information processing model?
  • How is input defined in the information processing model?
    It comes from the environment via the senses and is encoded by the individual
  • What happens during the processing stage in the information processing model?
    The information, once encoded, can be processed to produce a behavioral response
  • what does the cognitive approach suggest about the mind?
    It suggests the mind is like a computer
  • What concepts do computing models in the cognitive approach utilise?
    Central processing unit (the brain and spinal cord), coding (turning it into a useable format) , and stores.
  • How has the cognitive approach been useful in the development of AI?

    It has provided insights into how the mind processes information
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of the cognitive approach?
    • Real-life applications (Cognitive neuroscience)
    • Scientific (lab experiments)

    • Reductionist (ignores emotions)
    • Lacks ecological validity (artificial stimuli)
  • What is meant by ecological validity in the context of cognitive psychology?

    It refers to the extent to which findings can be generalized to real-world settings
  • What type of stimuli does cognitive psychology often use in experiments?

    Artificial stimuli