is a specialisednetwork of cells and our primarycommunication system - it is based on electrical and chemical signals, whereas endocrine system based on hormones
has 2 main functions:
first function - to collect, process and respond to info in environment
second function - to co-ordinate the working of difforgans and cells in the body
made up of brain and spinal cord
outer layer of brain - cerebral cortex is highly developed in humans and is what distinguishes our higher mentalfunctions from those of animals
the brain is divided into 2 hemispheres
spinal cord= extension of the brain and responsible for reflex actions
spinal cord passesmessages to and from the brain and connectsnerves to PNS
pnstransmitsmessages, via millions of neurons to and from nervous system
further subdivided into ANS AND SNS
ANS: autonomicnervous system governs vital functions in body like breathing, stress responses, heart rate (further subdivided into sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system)
SNS: somaticnervous system governs musclemovement and receives info from sensory receptors
endocrine system
works alongside the nervous system to control vital functions in the body through the actions of hormones
it works more slowly that nervous system but has widespread and longerlasting effects
glands- organs in body that producehormones (key- pituitary gland'master gland' as it controlsrelease of hormones from all the other endocrineglands in body)
hormones - secreted in bloodstream and affects any cell in body that has receptor for that particular hormone (thyroxine produced by thyroid, affects cells in heart)
Endocrine system and ANS work together (stressful event):
stressor perceived by hypothalamus which activates pituitary
the sympathetic nervous system is now aroused
adrenaline (stress hormone) is released from adrenal medulla into bloodstream - this delivers the aroused state causing changes in target organs in the body (e.g. increase heart rate, digestion of pupils, less saliva)
immediate and automatic - this response happens when threat is perceived
parasympathetic nervous system (Rest and digest) takes over oncethreat has passed - returns body to resting state
parasympathetic state - decreasedheart rate, decreasedbreathing rate, constricts pupils, normal digestion and saliva
neurons - 100 billion nerve cells (neurons) in the human nervous system
80% of which are located in brain
by transmitting signals electrically and chemically, these provide the nervous system with its primary means of communication
3 types of neurons:
sensory: carry messages from PNS to CNS - they have longdendrites and short axons - located in PNS
relay: connect sensory neurons to motorneurons - they have shortdendrites and shortaxons - most are in brain and visual system
motor: connect CNS to effectors like muscles and glands - have shortdendrites and long axons - may be in CNS and PNS
structure of neurons are all the same:
cell body: includes nucleus which contains geneticmaterial of the cell
dendrites: branchlike structures that protrude from cell body - carry nerve impulses from neighbouring neurons towards cell body
axon: carries electrical impulse away from the cell body down the length of the neuron (covered in fatty layer of myelin sheath that protects axon)
terminal buttons at the end of the axoncommunicate with the next neuron in the chain across a gap called synapse
electrical transmission:
when a neuron is in resting state, the inside of cell is negatively charged compared to the outside
when neuron is activated, the inside of cell becomes positivelycharged causing actionpotential to occur
this creates an electricalimpulse that travels down the axon towards end of neuron
a synapse: each neuron is separated from the next by an extremely tiny gap called synapse
chemical transmission:
signals within neurons are transmitted electrically but signals between neurons are transmitted chemically across the synapse
when the electrical impulse reaches the end of the neuron, it triggers the release of neurotransmitter from tiny sacs called synapticvesicles
once neurotransmitter crosses gap, its taken up by postysynapticreceptor site on the next neuron, so the impulse only ever travels in 1 direction
the chemical message is converted back into an electrical impulse and the process of electrical transmission begins
neurotransmitters are chemicals that diffuse across the synapse to the next neuron in the chain - each neurotransmitter has its own specific molecular structure that fits perfectly into a postsynapticreceptor site like a lock and key - each has its own functions
excitation and inhibition:
neurotransmitters generally have either an excitatory or inhibitory effect on the neighbouring neuron.
adrenaline - generally excitatory, increasing the positive charge of the postsynaptic neuron; making it more likely the postsynaptic neuron will fire
serotonin - generally inhibitory, increasing the negative charge of the postsynaptic neuron, making it less likely the postsynaptic neuron will fire
dopamine is an unusual neurotransmitter as its equally likely to have excitatory or inhibitory effects on the postsynaptic neuron
summation: excitatory and inhibitory influences influences are summed and must reach a certain threshold in order for the actionpotential of the postsynaptic neuron to be triggered
if the net effect of the neurotransmitters is inhibitory then the post synaptic neuron is less likely to fire. it is more likely to fire if the net effect is excitatory