Approaches comparisons

Cards (3)

  • How can the biological approach be compared?
    Nature vs Nurture- Focuses on genetic, hormones and neurochemicals (100% nature).
    Holism vs Reductionism- all due to genetics (reductionist).
    Free will vs determinism- all behaviour is predetermined by biological processes (determinism).
    Nomothetic vs idiographic- research focuses on testable and measurable elements which are applied to wider society (nomothetic).
    Treatments- revolutionised the treatment of mental disorders through drug therapy.
  • How can the psychodynamic approach be compared?
    Nature vs nurture- innate drives like sex and aggression (nature), social upbringing in childhood (nurture).
    Holism vs reductionism- reduces all behaviour to primitive biological instincts (reductionism).
    Nomothetic vs idiographic- ways in which processes manifest themselves in individuals is unique but they try to make general laws from cases studies (ideographic).
    Free will vs determinism- behaviour is determined by unconscious forces (determinism).
    Treatments- psychoanalysis, anxiety disorders develop from unconscious conflicts, childhood trauma and overuse of defence mechanisms.
  • How can the cognitive approach be compared?
    Nature vs nurture- innate mental processes constantly changed by environment (nature+nurture).
    Holism vs reductionism- machine reductionism.
    Free will vs determinism- mental processes determined in many ways but people have some control over the forces upon them (determinism).
    Nomothetic vs idiographic- uses case studies (ideographic).
    Treatments- CBT has been used to treat depression by eradicating faulty thinking.