Media Language

Cards (5)

  • Roland Barthes - Semiotics
    • Texts convey messages through signs and symbols
    • Denotation: literal meaning of a sign
    • Connotation: additional meanings associated with a sign
    • Hermeneutic Code: enigmatic information kept from audience
    • Proairetic Code: suggesting consequences of actions
    • Cultural Code: references to pre-existing historical, social, psychological or literary texts
  • Tzvetan Todorov - Narratology
    • 3 stage narrative: equilibrium, disequilibrium, new equilibrium
    • 5 stage narrative: equilibrium, disruption, recognition of disruption, attempt to solve disruption, new equilibrium
  • Steve Neale - Genre
    • Genres are formed through repetition of relevant content
    • Genres are fluid and vary, borrowing from and overlapping one another
    • Genres exist within specific economic, institutional and industrial contexts
  • Claude Levi-Strauss - Structuralism
    • Texts are understood best through their underlying structure
    • Meaning is produced through binary oppositions
    • Resolutions of binary oppositions can have ideological significance
  • Jean Baudrillard - Postmodernism
    • Boundaries between the real world and the media have collapsed
    • Impossible to distinguish between reality and simulation
    • Texts immerse people into images that no longer offer or refer to anything real
    • Hyperreality: media images seem more real than the reality they supposedly represent