
Cards (5)

  • Albert Bandura - Media Effects
    • The media directly implants ideas into audiences
    • Audiences acquire attitudes, emotional responses and behaviours through modelling
    • Representations of transgressive behaviour leads audiences to imitate the same behaviour
  • George Gerbner - Cultivation
    • Exposure to repeated patterns of representations influence how audiences perceive the world
    • Cultivation reinforces dominant mainstream ideologies
  • Stuart Hall - Reception
    • Producers encode messages that consumers decode
    • Dominant-hegemonic reading: preferred meaning is accepted by audience
    • Negotiated reading: preferred meaning is acknowledged and adapted by audience to better fit personal contexts
    • Oppositional reading: preferred meaning is not accepted by audience
  • Henry Jenkins - Fandom
    • Fans participate in the circulation of textual meanings
    • Textual poaching: fans take elements of a text to create their own texts and culture
  • Clay Shirky - End of Audience
    • The internet and digital technologies have had great effect on relationship between the media and individuals
    • Audiences are no longer passive consumers
    • Audiences speak back to producers about their texts
    • Audiences create and share their own content to one another