location - likely to over someone in location linked to higher status
proximity - how close you are to authoritative figure - more likely to obey
powerofuniform - wears uniform as gives them higher status
AO3 1 - lack of realism
orne and holland claimed ppt learned to distrustexperimenter - know truepurpose of the study may be disguised - act a certain way not authenticself - internal validity, mundane realism
AO3 2 - historicalvalidity
burger studies in 2009, 46 years later from milgrims study - levels of obedience almost identical to those found by milgrim - reliable
AO3 (3) 2 - highlevelobedience not surprising
Fromm- ppt part of scientificexperiments in lab setting - made them more likely to obey than in real life - means cannot drawbroadgeneralisation from his study - majority believe people would commitcrimes of obedience in real life away from lab settings