1000-1500 can be divideed into dark ages, earlymiddle ages and later middle ages
Beliefs of what caused illnesses ( U-bags )
1)A punishment from God
2)Bad air
5)Unbalanced humours
Methods of prevention and treatment forU-bags
1) payers and herbal remedies
2)cleaning the streets
3) They believed the movements of the moon sun and planets impacted a persons body so it decided when doctors could or couldn't treat people's illnesses
4)lashing ,remedies
5) Doctors would commonly test the patientsurine to inspect whether the 4 humours were balanced . Another way to balance the humours was bleeding and vomiting
Who were the medical doctors in Medieval times
Physicians and Women
What were Physicians
Highest ranking doctors
Well paid(expensive )
Very few physicians in the 1300sless than 100
They used treatments based on the 4 humours
How did physicians train
University for 7 years
They sold watch dissections of the body while a physician would read the books of Galen to show they were correct. Physicians believed Galens books contained everything about the human body
How did women differ to physicians
They were cheaper
Knowledge inherited
They used remedies that were not always superstition as some ingredients such as honey actually fought infection
What were surgeons?
If you had a little money you could see a local barber surgeon
They could carry out minor operations. They were trained as apprentices
Who were the apothecary
They would sell medicine and herbs and spices
How did they care for the sick in medical houses
These were religious places where they would house the sick, here
Priests administered holy communing/ blessing
Nuns would pray with them
In a religious setting
Bring water
Care for them
Hold relics for people to pilgrimage to in hope of a p miracle.
Patients of hospitals
They looked after the poor and elderly yet would not allow people in who had a contagious disease.
How did the church hinder medieval medicine?
Focus was on religion. Disapproved of dissection. People could not question their methods. Said god caused disease therefore no need to look for other causes or treatments.
How did the church help medieval medicine?
Maintenance/development of herbal remedies. Set up hospitals. Developed centres of learning. Saved and made copies of ancient books including work of Galen and Hippocrates
What treatments did barber surgeons use
Blood letting
Set broken bones
Pulling teeth
Purging trepanning ( drilling small holes in the head to let out spirits )
Cauterisation ( hot iron to burn / scare over a wound )
Problems with barber surgeons
Infections, dislike from the church, give patients drugs - overdose
Define epidemic
a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time.
Define dissection
the careful cutting apart of body structures to study their relationships
Drilling a hole into skull to release devils
Define astrology
Study of stars and planets and their effect on human
Define cauterisation
Using a hot iron to scar/ burn over wounds
Define miasma
Bad air that spread disease
What religion was the medieval church
Roman Catholic
Define pilgrimage
a journey to a holy place to cure illness
Define leaching
Use of leaches for blood letting
Define apothecary
a person who prepared and sold medicines and drugs
Why did doctors base their understanding of the human anatomy on animals
Human dissection was banned
Did medieval surgeons carry our eye cataract operations
Why was Galen favoured by Christianity
He believed in one god
an irrational belief based on the supernatural
Define urine chart
Used to examine urine to define an illness
Define Vademecum
A medieval book carried by doctors
What type of medieval treatment is now proved successful
What was the pain killer at the time
Who was responsible for making laws about public health
Local councils
In what year was there a £20 fine for throwing waste onto the streets
Define anatomy
the study of the structure of the body
8 negatives of public health in a medieval town
1)most town had privies with cess pits beneath were sewage collected
2)there were lots of animals coz of transport= lots of dung
3)open drains that would overflow
4) tannin industries ( making leather ) near towns and cities = smells water + chemical waste
5) no sewers= waste chucked onto street
6) water was rare= people didn't wash as much
7) lack of sanitation due to lack of knowledge
8) butchers dumped blood and guts into rivers
7 positive public health in medieval towns
1) some aqueduct built by rooms transferred water in some towns
2) cesspits lined with brick so they didn't contaminate water supplies
3) in Newcastle streets were paved to make them easier to clean
4) wealthier houses were cleaned by servants
5) night carts collected human waste and rakers cleaned the streets
6) laws were pasted to punish throwing waste onto the street in
7) bath houses were built in towns
3. Positive and negative aspects of public health in medieval towns
Due to rapid growth of towns new technology such as pipes made from wood and lead were built
Cesspits were emptied yearly however not regularly so sewage easily seeped into water supplies
Shopkeepers would try to sell food that was going off instead of throwing it away
What facilities did monasteries have and how did they keep themselves clean
- built near rivers which provided a fresh water source
- elaborate systems of pipes to deliver water to wash basins
- installed filtering systems
- excellency way facility's
- toilets were clean by diverting water from the river
- cleanliness was important sign of piety and celibacy so monks bathed once a month