social learning theory of aggression

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  • social learning theory states that we learn behaviour through both directly and indirectly, combining learning theory with social factors.
    directly through positive and negative reinforcement and punishment
    indirectly through observing and imitating a role model's behaviour, leading to us becoming vicariously reinforced or punished for behaiour.
  • Observational learning
    • children observe behaviour but also the consequences of behaviour
    • if the models aggressive behaviour is rewarded (or at least NOT punished) then the child will learn that aggression is effective in getting what they want
    • this is vicarious reinforcement
  • Bandura pointed out 4 cognitive conditions needed for observational learning to take place
    4 mediational processes
    • attention, retention, reproduction, motivation
  • self efficacy is the extent to which we believe our actions will achieve desired goals
    sense of self efficacy develops with each successful outcome