element 1

Cards (18)

  • where one person (employer) is responsible for the tort of another (employee)
  • tortfeasor - person committing the tort
  • claimant - person who suffers harm
  • defendant - person liable for the tort (usually employer)
  • Barclays Bank v Various Claimants
    liability for tort arises where tortfeasor is an employee or in position akin to employment, and there's a close connection between employment and tort
  • Barclays Bank 

    there is no liability for the tort of an independent contractor
  • 3 tests to establish if person is employee or independent contractor
    1. control test (Yewens v Noakes)

    employee is told what to and how to do it
    1. control test (Hawley)

    includes hired and borrowed workers
  • 2. integration test (Stevenson Jordan)

    is their work fully integrated into the business
  • 3. economic reality test (Ready Mix Concrete)

    indicates employment or self employment by looking at several factors
  • if employment status unclear follow criteria in Christian Brothers case
    1. employer likely to have means to compensate victim
  • 2. act committed as result of activity being taken by employee on behalf of employer
  • 3. employees activity is likely to be part of the business activity of the employer
  • 4. employer created the risk by employing the employee
  • 5. employee is under control of employer
  • Viasystems Ltd

    sometimes more than one employer is liable