Experimental design

Cards (12)

  • Repeated measures uses the same participant group for both conditions
  • Independent measures uses different groups for each condition
  • Matched pairs matches the participants in each condition according to variables like age and intelligence
  • One strength of repeated measures is the subject variables are the same in both conditions
  • One strength of independent measures is that there are no order effects
  • One strength of matched pairs is less demand characteristics
  • One weakness of repeated measures is the order effects [ learning / fatiuge]
  • One weakness if independent measures is needing more subjects , making it less economical
  • One weakness of matched pairs is that the variables can't be perfectly matched
  • Counterbalanceing Is using AB BA to assign the conditions to groups
  • A double blind study is when both the researcher and the participants don't know the aim of the study
  • Random allocation is when participants are randomly assigned into the conditions