
Cards (17)

  • A lab experiment is when the resarcher uses standardised procedure, a controlled environment and manipulates the iv
  • One strength of lab experiments is the high internal validity because the extraneous variables are controlled
  • One weakness of lab studies is that participants may show demand characteristics
  • A weakness of lab studies is that are unrealistic and have a low ecological validity
  • A field study is when the experiment is in a natural environment but the iv is controlled
  • One strength of a field study is no demand characteristics as the participants are not aware they are being observed
  • A strength of field studies is a higher ecological validity
  • One weakness of field experiments is that its difficult to control extraneous variables, leading to a lower task validity
  • A weakness of field experiments is that it may be difficult to get the participants to consent if they don't know about the observation
  • A natural experiment is when the iv and dv are naturally occurring
  • One strength of a natural experiment is allowing reaserach on unethical subjects such as alcoholism
  • One strength of a natural study is its high external validity
  • One weakness of natural experiments Is that they cannot be replicated
  • One weakness of natural studies is that not all variables can be controlled
  • A quasi experiment is when the iv is naturally occurring, reasercher just records effect on dv
  • One strength of quasi experiments is that they are in controlled conditions and can be replicated
  • One weakness of quasi experiments is that it is difficult to establish cause/effect