
Cards (15)

  • Random sampling - each member of the target population has a equal chance of being selected
  • One strength of random samples is that they are unbiased
  • One weakness of random samples is that it is time consuming to make a list of the entire sample
  • Stratified sample - target population divided into subcategories and are selected in proportion they occur in the target population [45% men in target population = 45% men in sample]
  • One strength of stratified samples is that they are more representative of the target population
  • One weakness of stratified samples is it is very time consuming to calculate all relevant sub categories in the population
  • Opportunity sampling - selecting participants available at the time
  • One strength of opportunity sampling is that it is quick and the most economical method
  • One weakness of opportunity sampling is that it is often unrepresentative of the target population
  • Systematic sampling is compiling a list of the target population and choosing every nth person
  • One strength of systematic sampling is avoiding researcher Bias
  • One weakness of systematic sampling is that it is not as objective as random sampling , Researcher chooses order of the list and what number to choose
  • Volunteer sampling is when the participants self select, often through an advert.
  • One strength of volunteer sampling is it is a quick way to get a sample with the characteristics required
  • One weakness of volunteer sampling is volunteer bias, volunteers more likely to be confident etc...