
Cards (18)

  • State and describe the three parts of the personality
    Id (selfish and aggressive instincts/urges, anything pleasurable)
    superego (morality, considers what's right and wrong)
    ego (reality check, compromises between superego and id)
  • defence mechanisms used by the ego?

    Repression - forcing a distressing memory out of the conscious mind
    Denial - Refusing to acknowledge some aspect of reality
    Displacement - Deflecting self-hatred, stemming from the distressing memory, onto others
  • Define defence mechanisms
    Coping strategies used by the ego to deal with the ongoing conflict between the aggression and selfish urges of the id and the morality of the superego, by reducing the levels of anxiety
  • State and briefly describe each psychosexual stage
    Oral - age 0-1, libido = mouth, conflict = weaning, causes smoking, chewing, biting, etc.
    Anal - age 2-3, libido = anus and bladder, conflict = toilet training, anal expulsive and anal retentive
    Phallic - age 3-5, libido = genitals, conflict = Oedipus/Electra complexes
    Latent - age 6-12, libido = dormant, conflict = dormant, defence mechanisms develop
    Genital - age 13+, libido = genitals, sexual desires, conflict = same sex attraction
  • Anal retentive vs anal expulsive 

    Anal retentive - excessive neatness, very organised, caused by harsh parental style during toilet training (anal stage)
    Anal expulsive - more disorganised, careless, messy, caused by relaxed parental style during toilet training (anal stage)
  • Define what is meant by the 'unconscious mind'?

    Part of the mind which we are unaware of, which is a vast store of biological drives and instincts (e.g. id, ego and superego) that influence behaviour and personality
  • How can distressing repressed memories be accessed?
    Through dreams/ slips of the tongue (Freudian slips/parapraxes)
  • What is meant by the preconscious mind?

    Thoughts and memories not currently in conscious awareness which can be accessed if you desire
  • What does psychic determinism mean?

    Belief that all mental processes are determined by unconscious conflicts rooted in childhood. Even something like a 'slip of the tongue' is driven by unconscious forces and has deep meaning, so there is no such thing as an accident
  • What is the Oedipus complex?

    Psychological theory proposed by Sigmund Freud, where a child (boy) has unconscious sexual desires for the opposite-sex parent (mother) and rivalry with the same-sex parent (father). The boy fears castration by the father if his incestuous desires are discovered. The boy overcomes this fear and rivalry by identifying with the father and adopting the male identity and role
  • What is the Electra complex?

    Psychoanalytic theory concept describing a girl's unconscious sexual desire for her father and rivalry with her mother. Envies a penis, believing it is the most important thing, as she believes her and her mother are powerless. Desire for penis becomes desire for babies and motherhood
  • Use Little Hans case study to explain the Oedipus complex
    Giraffe dream - took mother (crumpled giraffe) away from father, which symbolises rivalry and hate between father and son
    Castration anxiety - had a phobia of horses, particularly those with blinkers and black around their mouth (symbolised Hans's dad with his glasses and moustache).
    Plumber dream - identifying with his dad, wanted to adopt male role and identity (bigger penis and bottom)
    Parental dream - symbolises desire for mother and desire for fatherhood
  • What mental disorder may someone with dominant superego develop?

    A neurosis, such as depression
  • What mental disorder may someone with dominant id develop?

    A psychosis, such as schizophrenia
  • Who is Anna O? (describe her background)

    Fell ill during and after her father’s final illness and consequent death. Sought treatment for various symptoms, inc. :hallucinations, partial paralysis, and speech problems. Her doctor (Freud’s teacher), Breuer, diagnosed her with hysteria. Breuer succeeded in treating Anna – from Dec 1880 to June 1882 – by helping her recall forgotten memories of traumatic events (process later called psychoanalysis)
  • What three stages did Breuer's treatment consist of?

    1)  Letting her speak about whatever came to her mind (“chimney sweeping”), which she usually did using fairy tales/stories
    2) Hypnotised Anna O every morning for her to remember painful/distressing emotions she experienced when her father died
    3) Talked freely about the various occurrences that had triggered each of her hysterical symptoms during the previous year. Doing this eliminated the relevant symptoms
  • Freud's conclusion regarding the case study of Anna O?

    Freud believed mental and physical symptoms were a result of deeply repressed conflicts and trauma, which formed basis of psychoanalysis. Freud and Breuer co-wrote “Studies on hysteria” (1895), discussing Anna’s case in detail
  • How can the Anna O case study be applied to the Electra complex?

    Anna had sexual feelings towards Breuer, which Freud stated may be a result of the Electra complex; her father, who she had incestuous desires for, died, meaning she transferred those fantasies to Breuer. At one point, he found her in hysterical and false childbirth; she convinced herself she was pregnant with his child.