Media Studies Key Terminology

Cards (20)

  • Active Audience
    Media audiences that engage with or interact with media products by contributing, participating or creating their own meanings.
  • Binary Oppositons
    Two contrasting ideas or concepts designed to cause conflict and make the audience choose a ’side’.
  • Connotation
    Hidden meanings that may be implied by an element of the text.
  • Conglomerate?
    A large parent company which owns multiple other companies.
  • Countertype?
    A representation that deliberately goes against a commonly held stereotype.
  • Convergence
    The coming together of technologies and institutions to create new products or media experiences.
  • Conventions
    Established norms, expectations, or shared understandings used in the creation of media products.
  • Denotation
    Obvious and literal meaning of any element of a media text.
  • What does decoding mean in media texts?
    Process of audiences making sense of the messages built into a media text
  • What is the purpose of deleb in marketing?
    To promote a product by associating it with the values and ideals of a deceased celebrity
  • What is desensitization in media consumption?
    The process of an audience becoming used to materials that might have previously appeared shocking
  • What are enigma codes in media texts?
    Puzzles or mysteries within the text that keep the audience hooked
  • What does encoding refer to in media production?
    Process of media producers building messages into a media text
  • What is the female gaze in media texts?
    The use of attractive men in a media text to appeal to an audience
  • What is globalization in the context of media?
    The process that has seen international flows of trade, business, media, and cultural products become speedier and more intensive
  • What is guerilla marketing?
    The use of low-cost unconventional tactics to capture consumer attention
  • What is grass roots marketing?
    Focused marketing targeting the traditional or expected demographic audience for a media text
  • What is a hyond in media genres?
    A genre that features the common conventions of two or more genres
  • What is house style in media products?
    A distinctive style used by a media product that gives it a clear identity
  • What does intertextuality refer to in media studies?
    When media texts make reference to, borrow, or quote from other existing texts