Holism + reductionism

Cards (5)

  • Holism + reductionism
    • ‘whole is greater than the sum’ - study of the whole person
    • E.g- humanism- self-actualisation/triad of needs
    • E.g- localisation is wrong- brain works as a whole not individual parts
  • Holism + reductionism-
    • based on parismony- simplistic form is the best
    • E.g- OCD biological approach - extreme biological reductionism
    • E.g- cognitive neuroscience/reductionism
    • ignores the whole person while reducing behaviours down to their simplest form
  • Holism + reductionism-
    Holistic complex levels-
    • sociological- culture or sub-culture
    • psychological- cognitive or conditioned behaviours
    • biological- genetics or brain structures
    • chemical- chemical hormones or enzymes
    • physical- atoms or quantum’s
  • Holism + reductionism-
    Reductionism evaluation—
    S- breaks behaviours down into constituent parts and scientifically tests them
    W- may oversimplify behaviours
    W- multiple theories of cognition, but no attempts to combine
  • Holism + reductionism-
    Holism- evaluations-
    S- reminder that we are a whole not determined by parts
    S- provides a more complex understanding of behaviours
    W- cant be rigorously or scientifically tested