What: The state bank tried to tax the national bank which went against the constitutional powers and necessary and proper clause.
Significance: Federal government is abovestate government.
ID: Adams-onis treaty
When: 1819
Who: JohnQuincyAdams and LuisdeOnis
What: The United States purchased Florida to make a border between the Mexican and Louisiana territory. Along with that, the USA recgonized that the spanish claimed taxes.
Signficance: Established and acknowledged a border between the 2 countries
ID: Era of good feelings
When: 1815-1825
Who: James Monroe
What: Promoted a sense of American united,patriotism, and nationalism after the war of 1812.
Significance: Created a temporary end to the two party system. Ended the the federal party and democractic-republicans became the main party.
ID: Monroe Doctrine
When: December 2, 1823
Who: JamesMonroe to foreign nations
What: Called for the end of Europeancolonization in latin America. Remained firm and nations followed it for the following centuries. America had control of the Western Hemisphere.
Significance: USA wouldn't tolerate anymore European colonization. First use of foreignpolicy as the US threatened Europe not to enter
ID: Panic of 1819
When: 1819
Who: JamesMonroe
What: a financial panic that spread throughout the nation various things happened such as; unemploymentrising,banksfailing,mortgages being foreclosed, and the prices off agriculture getting sliced in half!
Significance: Firstfinancial crisis that swept the states.
ID: The American System
When: 1824
Who: Henry Clay
What: Purpose was to connect the economies of the North, South, and West. An economic plan that was suggested by Senator HenryClay involving Tariffs on British goods, improve transportation, and create 2ndBank of US
Significance: Made a plan after the Warof1812 to promote nationalism and boost the economy.
ID: Commonwealth system
When: 1820
Who: HenryClay
What: The Republican system of political economy created by the state governments by 1820 where states funneled aid to private businesses whose projects would improve the generalwelfare.
Impact: Way for states to incentivizeeconomic growth through public investment in private ventures.
ID: Republican Motherhood
When: 1780-1830
Who: Femalesinsociety (mothers/wives)
What: The idea gave women more purpose to educate and nurture the future of America. It was the women's new job to instill republican ideals in the young minds of youth.
Significance: Gave women more purpose in life and lead to more social importance.
ID: American Colonization Society
When: 1817
Who: RobertFinley
What: Had the purpose of transporting blacks back to Africa.
Signficance: This seperation became a sectionalism seperation between the South and North which result in war eventually.
ID: Missouri Compromise (Compromiseof1820)
When: March 2, 1820
Who: Henryclay
What: Admitted Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state to maintain the balance of power between slave states in the US.
Significance: Created the 36/30 rule where above the line was free states and below was slave states. Created temporary peace prior to CivilWar
ID: Second Great Awakening
When: 1795-1835
Who: CharlesFinney
What: a protestant revival movement focused on socialreform and an emphasis on salvation by institutions.
Significance: Setthestage for equality enthusiastic socialreformmovements, especially abolitionists and temperance, creation of utopian societies.